As Kibar Group, we see all employees as part of our family and enjoy witnessing the important moments that enrich their lives. We are a large family with all that we bring to each other’s lives because WE are Stronger Together.
WE at Kibar Group Sports Festival:
We believe that human resources are our most important asset and we support the growth of our employees in all areas from sports to arts. At the Kibar Group Sports Festival, which has been going on since 2016, we support our employees in individual or group competitions in many activities such as basketball, football, volleyball, track, table tennis etc. and share beautiful moments together.
WE in Internal Communication Activities
At Kibar Group, the employees find out about the latest developments within the group through different communication platforms. Our most important communication channels include the management meeting, which is attended by mid-level and higher up executives each year, our intranet "porttakal" that can be accessed by all employees, and the «Kibarca» magazine, which is distributed via e-mail as well as in print form for our employees who do not have access. Furthermore, we strengthen the communication and the synergy within the group by bringing our employees together at various social events.