The 75 mm pitch height and the second twist on the pitch add extra durability to the 75/275 corrugated sheet making it a suitable material especially for roofs with wide purlin gaps.
- Single-layer corrugated sheet made of finished galvanized sheet in 75/125 form.
- 4-pitch. Net application width: 645 mm.
- Color options are available in RAL catalogue.
- Finishing (Polyester, PvdF, Plastisol, PVC) options are available for application site.
- It can be used as lower layer in double-layer systems on site.
- Corrugated form allows for application in wide purlin gaps.
Информация о товаре
Production Plant
Favourable Width
645 mm. (Tolerance: ±3 mm)
Min. 1meters -Max.12 meters
Roof and Wall
Metal Specifications
Assan Aluminum production. High Conditioned AW 3000 series aluminum. Galvanized Sheet, Finished Galvanized Sheet (polyester finish on primer)
Metal Thickness
Min.0.50 mm.-Max.0.80 mm. Finished Galvanized Sheet/Galvanized Sheet Min.0.40 mm.-Max.0.80 mm. Aluminum